The Council


Kagadi district council was sworn in on 18th May, 2021 under the leadership of the District chairperson Hon. Ndibwami B Yosia who executes the following mandate;

  • Presides over meetings of the Executive Committee of the District.
  • Monitors the general administration of the District.
  • Monitors the implementation of Council decisions.
  • Monitors and coordinate the activities of Lower Local Councils and Administrative Units.
  • Oversees the performance of persons employed by Government and monitor the provision of Government services or the implementation of projects in the District on behalf of council.
  • Coordinates and monitors Government functions.

The District council is composed of 64 council members these are;

NoNameConstituencyTelephone number registered for  mobile money
 Hon. Alinaitwe JohnKinyarugonjo0778518585
 Hon. Birungi EdwardMabaale0780313023
 Hon. Busobozi MosesKagadi S/C0772924179
 Hon. Byensi AtanansiKyenzige S/C0774944056
 Hon. Byaruhanga PiusPachwa S/C0782838684
 Hon. Kobwemi CharlesPachwa T/C0773481938
 Hon. Kyamanywa PosianoKamuroza0779005961
 Hon. Magezi Jamada FrancisKabamba0779608529
 Hon. Mugisa Peter SebugwawoMabaale T/C0772435726
 Hon. Nsungwa LeticiaKiryanga0772842526
 Hon. Ntambi PiusIsunga0781495795
 Hon. Sebuliba AmosKyanaisoke0782937934
 Hon. Tumusiime Geroge WilliamKagadi T/C0777474766
 Hon. Tumwesigye JohnsonNyabutanzi0779008160
 Hon. Twinomujuni JoashKicucura0785899637
 Hon. Ziraba PeterKyenzige T/C0784858484
 Hon. Abigaba ChrisGaliboleka0777346875
 Hon. Akugizibwe EricMuhorro S/C0785156881
 Hon. Akugizibwe LivingstoneNdaiga0782734415
 Hon. Begumisa SilivanoRugashari T/C0774530825
 Hon. Betonda Ramuel AmootiKyakabadiima 
 Hon. Busesire KenedyRuteete0782547801
 Hon. Byamukama VenansioKanyabebe0774952216/0753952216
 Hon. Gahima GardRuteete T/C0783176364
 Hon. Habiyaremye GabrielBuhumuliro0783507624
 Hon. Kapere FabiousRugashali0778434947
 Hon. Kato MatiaBwikara0777863525
 Hon. Magezi MuwongeMuhorro T/C 
 Hon. Mbusa AndrewMpeefu0772586315
 Hon. Mucunguzi JustusMairirwe0789152063
 Hon. Mwebembezi EmmanuelKyaterekera T/C0788233320
 Hon. Sebakara FobiusKyaterekera0778873807
 Hon. Tumusiime Elly GardNyakarongo0787109181
 Hon. Bizimungu PhilipBurora0777818375
 Hon. Twesigye JuliusMpeefu Yas ande0775148179
 Hon. Aligonzawenka VincentDMPWDC0774925692
 Hon. Amanyire AgnesDFYC0773313583
 Hon. Buhenzire EvalyneFemale (workers)0774879753
 Hon. Mugizi Mary KusemererwaDFPWDC0787024847
 Hon. Nakate JosephineDFOPC0782497609
 Hon. Namanya RichardMale (workers)0772582132
 Hon. Ssemuga VincentDMYC0777598001
 Hon. Wamala swizen Stephenson KagoroDMOPC0784521169
 Hon. Asiimwe LeahRugashali / Rugashali TC0785022452
 Hon. Asiimwe OliverNyabutanzi / Mabaale0786110001
 Hon. Babeiha JoanKagadi S/C/ Kagadi TC0782294876
 Hon. Baswaire MaryIsunga0777347054
 Hon. Byendamira EverceKiryanga / Kicucura0784684771
 Hon. Katushabe ReginahKyaterekera/ Kyaterekera TC0772624880
 Hon. Kenema LeticiaBwikara0778155539
 Hon. Kisembo AliceMuhorro0786851824
 Hon. Kusemererwa FatumaPachwa / Pachwa T/C0778442487
 Hon. Kyaligonza WinnieMabaale T/C / Kinyarugonjo0783685705
 Hon. Kyohairwe DocusKyenzige / Kyenzige T/C0784784755
 Hon. Mbabazi Teopista BandahuraMairirwe/ Nyakarongo0779970387
 Hon. Mugisa TibanyiigaKyanaisoke / Kamuroza0786367430
 Hon. Murombe DorothyGaliboleka / Muhorro TC0788831941
 Hon. Namukisa DinahRuteete / Ruteete TC0772243654
 Hon. Namukisa OliverKyakabadiima/Burora0780161044
 Hon. Night AliceNdaiga0789036486
 Hon. Nshemererwa DorothyKabamba0783402530
 Hon. Nyiramajambere KellenMpeefu / MpeefuYaSande TC0783120277
 Hon. Tumuhairwe LusiaKanyabebe/ Buhumuliro0775688110
 Hon. Ndibwami B. YosiaDistrict Chairperson0775024250

The district council on its first sitting elected the speaker in the names of Hon.  Magezi Muwonge deputized by Hon. Sebuliba Amos who is charged with the responsibility of presiding over council meetings and ensuring the welfare of councilors.

  • Presides at all meetings of Council.
  • Is charged with the overall authority for the preservation of order in the Council, and the enforcement of rules of procedure of the Council.

During the first sitting the district chairperson nominated the members of the district executive committee as follows;

SnNameTitle        Contact
 Ndibwami B YosiaDistrict Chairperson & secretary for production and natural resources0782 866023
 Mugisa Peter SsebugwahoDistrict Vice Chairperson & secretary for works and technical services0772 435726
 Betonda RamuelSecretary for finance, administration, planning and investment0772 987610
 Ziraba PeterSecretary for community services and security0784 858484
 Baswaire MarySecretary for health and education0777 347054

The above were unanimously approved by council as presented.

The above are charged with the responsibility of;

  • Initiate and formulate policy for approval of Council.
  • Oversee the implementation of Council programmes.
  • At district level recommend to Council persons to be appointed to the district Service Commission, District Public Accounts Committee, District Land Board or any other Boards, Commissions or Committees that may be created.
  • Receive and solve problems or disputes forwarded to it from lower Local Councils.
  • Evaluate the performance of Council for every financial year

Kagadi council has five standing committees as follows with their membership;

(1)   Health and Education

  1. Birungi Edward
  2. Byansi Atanansi
  3. Kobwemi Charles
  4. Tumwesigye Johnson
  5. Busesire Kenedy
  6. Kapere Fabius
  7. Begumisa Silvano
  8. Kisembo Alice
  9. Bizimungu Phillip
  10. Nshemererwa Dorothy
  11. Sebakara Fabius

(2)  Production and Natural Resources

  1. Ssemuga Vincent
  2. Abigaba Chris
  3. Akugizibwe Livingston
  4. Namukisa Oliver
  5. Gahima Gard
  6. Twesigye Julius
  7. Asiimwe Oliver Irumba
  8. Mbusa Andrew
  9. Mbabazi Teopista
  10. Namukisa Dinah

(3)   Finance, Planning, Administration and Investment

  1. Busobozi Moses
  2. Akugizibwe Eric
  3. Namanya Richard
  4. Mucunguzi Justus
  5. Kyohairwe Docus
  6. Kyaligonza Winnie
  7. Tibanyiiga Mugisa
  8. Kyamanywa Ponsiano Ngondwa
  9. Murombe Dorothy
  10. Kato Matia

(4) Works and Technical Services

  1. Byaruhanga Pius
  2. Habiyaremye Gabriel
  3. Nakate Josephine
  4. Byendaimira Everse
  5. Amanyire Agnes
  6. Katusabe Regina
  7. Wamara S.K Swizen
  8. Byamukama Vanansio
  9. Night Alice Atoro
  10. Tumuhairwe Lucia

(5) Community services

  1. Mwebembezi Emmanuel
  2. Asiimwe Lea
  3. Ntambi Pius
  4. Alinaitwe John
  5. Twinomujuni Joash
  6. Kusemererwa Fatuma
  7. Aligonzawenka Vincent
  8. Babeiha Joan
  9. Mugizi Mary
  10. Buhenzire Evelyne

They are charged with the following responsibility;

  • Councils conduct business through Standing Committees.  Section 22(1) of the LGA, empowers a District Council to appoint Standing Committees which should not exceed the number of secretaries for the efficient performance of the functions for which are responsible such as:-
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance of sectors under their functional responsibility.
  • Receiving budgets of departments under their responsibility and recommending for their integration into Council budgets.
  • Scrutinizing monthly expenditure returns, Contracts committee reports and quarterly reports so as to recommend appropriate action by Council. 

The district normally budgets for 4 council and committee sittings because of constrained resources.


  1. Approved annual workplan and budget for every FY.
  2. Approved a Five year development plan
  3.  Constituted a district service commission and Kagadi hospital management committee
  4. Approved members of the Kagadi public accounts committee
  5. Approved supplementary funding for epidemics in the district especially Ebola, COVID among others.
  6. Approved staff structure for the newly created LLGs.


  1. Low revenue base for the district that has affected the number of council sittings required by the law.
  2. Poor enumeration of councilors attending council sittings as a result of low revenue base for the district.
  3. Lack of furniture and other materials required to conduct council business
  4. Lack of a council hall
  5. Lack of induction for councilors which has affected their performance