Kagadi launches PDM funds disbursement  


Excitement rocked Parish development model beneficiaries yesterday as Kagadi district launched the disbursement of poverty eradication funds.

The function presided over by the Resident District Commissioner Nicholas Kamukama Kaine was held at URDT Multipurpose in Kagadi town council and attended by various stakeholders.

The Parish Development Model is a Government strategy or approach for organizing and delivering public and private sector interventions for wealth creation and employment generation at the parish level as the lowest economic planning unit.

This will ensure support for more Ugandans to increase their demand for goods and services.

A total of 300 million has today been disbursed to 358 beneficiaries from the 15 parish SACCOS with each member receiving between 800,000 to 1,000,000 Uganda shillings.

According to Peter Kusemerewa the commercial officer and also the PDM focal person over 7 billion have been credited 151 PDM SACCO accounts.

He said regular monitoring of beneficiaries will be made to ensure effective utilization of funds.

Nicholas Kamukama Kaine the RDC Kagadi hailed the government for coming up with such poverty alleviation programs and urged beneficiaries to use the funds and ensure early recoveries.

The District Chairperson Kagadi Ndibwami B Yosia has urged benefits to invest the money in the intend profitably projects to ensure sustainability of the program.

The jubilating beneficiaries are optimistic that money received will help in boosting household incomes.