Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes..
Domestic tourism can be described as tourism involving residents of one country traveling within their own country for example from Kampala to Kagadi,
Tourism of non-resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference. For example a family from Rwanda to Uganda and out bond tourism:
Cultural tourism: Here tourists travel for cultural interests say on how people put on and live, Eco-tourism: Here tourists travel with much interest on the environment. For example forests and wetlands, Adventurous tourism: Here tourists seek for new experience and this include taking risks while hiking mountains, Religious tourism: Here tourists travel for worship for example namugongo day, Sports tourism: Here tourists travel for sports for example the Barcelona team
travelled to Uganda for a match, War tourism: Here tourist travel to experience war zone areas. Like southern Sudan, Medical tourism: Here tourists travel for medical reason and to be get better. For example Kitagata water spring water bath, Space tourism: Here tourists will be traveling to space for example Moon travel experience, Ethnic tourism: Tourists travel to trace their original birth places. For example former USA president OBAMA travelled to Kenya to trace and visit his family, Agro-tourism: here tourists travel for agriculture experience for example visiting farms and agriculture shows. (Harvest money expo), International volunteering tourism: here tourists travel for voluntary purposes for example constructing of schools and hospitals around national parks, and Virtual tourism: This is done online were a tourists interested in a given area will only search for the place and enjoy it online.
Tourism today in Uganda is one of the sectors that generate revenue to the country with over 5.6 trillion shillings collected every year from tourism activity payments and this is as a result of different tourism activities that are always carried out in the country.
The country received over 1,505,669 tourists in 2018/2019 and because of its great contribution to the income of Uganda; different stakeholders play a big role to develop tourism sites for a better future of tourism and these include government and its mother ministry of tourism, wildlife and antiquities, business association, local residents, local companies, media, employees, competitors, tourists and tourism developers.
Uganda has got different tourism attractions that attract tourist and these include National parks, game reserves, cultural centres, urban centers, local communities, forests and the most visited sites include; Kibale national park for Chimpanzee trekking, Gorilla trekking in bwindi impenetrable forest, Queen Elizabeth national park, Kazinga channel boat trip, Great rift valleys, Tree climbing lions, Murchison falls national park, Ziwa rhino sanctuary and many more.
In Uganda today there are a million tourism sites that have not yet been put to exposer, hence remaining unknown and this is as a result of lack of technical people to identify and market the sites.
As one way of putting the unexposed tourism sites to light, the government as recruited district tourism officers in order to identify and promote the tourism sites.
Kagadi district is one of the districts in Uganda that has embarrassed tourism development in its area through establishing of a tourism office that has been able to identify potential tourism sites.
The office has been able to set key objectives aiming at the development of tourism in the district.
- To increase annual tourism revenue to the district.
- To increase tourism total employment from 1500 people to 5000.
- To increase the level of infrastructural developments in the tourism section.
- To enhance conservation and sustainability of wildlife and cultural heritage resources in Kagadi.
- To Increase competitiveness of Kagadi district as one of Uganda’s tourist destination.
Tourism Development Programme aims to increase the district’s attractiveness as a preferred tourist destination. Expected results include; increasing tourism arrivals and revenues as well as employment in the tourism sector. It will provide alternative jobs to women and youth.
Kagadi District has potential for tourism activities much as most of the sites are not protected. Regarding world life, the area has a number of chimpanzees in most areas of Muhoro, Muzizi. The wildlife UWA has constantly been monitoring these areas and trying to ensure they are safe from community attacks.
Other potential attraction areas include the three falls along Nguse River (karuna waterfalls, nguse falls and nguse – albert falls) where currently the government is in process of establishing power generating points, Lake Albert and a number of wetlands. Other prominent world-life animals include Baboons, monkeys, chimpanzees and Crocodiles. more potential tourism destinations include katyobona forest ( home of chimpanzees), Kangombe forest, Muhorro tc, Kitebele escarpments,
Recently, the Government of the Republic of Uganda gazzated more tourists sites within Kagadi District. These include;
- The Faith of Unity Healing City, the headquarters of the Faith of Unity religion founded by Omukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi Bisaka.
This was founded by Dosteo Bisaka, popularly known and called Owobusobozi by his followers and detractors. The effective date for establishing the faith of unity was 22nd February when he reluctantly touched a young woman suffering from severe debilitating feverish conditions associated with malaria and she was instantly healed in 1980.
The national and international center of F.O.U is found in Kapyemi, a hill top village in Muhorro town council Kagadi District. Because of the role of healing in the religion and large crowds of people who throng the venue each week, it is Preferred being called a healing city.
The majestic palace, which is the residential quarters of the leader and his wives, with a sitting capacity of about 1500 worshippers, the Itambiro and the hall of healing is painted white, austerely decorated with floating white and yellow ribbons and flowers.
Rank and social status are important in the F.O.U they help to facilitate order, peace and the efficient performance of duty. They wear a white Kanzu which signifies holiness, beauty, being set apart and purity.
The F.O.U ordered and organized into four different categories
- Abakwenda (Messenger of God, elders and enforcers of norms; their Kanzu has two buttons on the chest as distinguishing mark)
- Abaheraza (Servants of God; their Kanzu has two knots infornt instead of buttons)
- Abakiriza (Those recently incorporated into the group; new converts)
- Abandeya ( His Children)
Those outside the group are called Omutali, the unconverted/ unbeliever in Owobusobozi.
Most of the believers and people around the world prefer calling the faith of unity headquarters a healing city since it contains more than 370 healing centers (Amatambiro)
- Learning more about the faith and its founder (OMUKAMA RUHANGA BISAKA)
- Miraculous healings that has happened for 42 years were all diseases have been healed.
- Gods flag
- The palace of God
- The prayer/healing place of God ( Itambiro lya Mukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi )
- The book of god of oneness, we are one in the lord God of host Disunity has ended
- The first person to be healed in 1980
- Other healing centers in the healing city
- The place where stannic crafts are burnt
- The unique ways how believers live, behave, and pray
- The structure of the leadership in the faith of unity
- Calendar of the new error of Omukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi Bisaka
- Other developments put in place by Owobusobozi Bisaka like the stadium that can accommodate national functions, the school and vocational teaching the faith of unity faith, sciences and arts.

- 2. Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme-URDT
This located 2 kilometers from Kagadi ‘Nakulabye town’ as you head to Hoima, the site is mostly known for the URDT green belt forest which acts as an habitants for wildlife like the sneaks, birds, butterfly’s, primates like baboons, black and white calabash monkeys.
More attractions and activities that can be carried out at the site include; Bee keeping, demonstration farm, fish ponds, poultry farm, dairy farm, green house, coffee plantations and the cultural section

- Kiraba rocks , These are located in Kagadi approximately one (1) kilometer from Kagadi town covering areas of Kiraba upper and Nyaruziba village, Kiraba name its believed to have originated from people who enjoyed to stay in the rocks who later named the rocks “Kiraba” because whenever they could stand at the top of the rocks they could see the entire town of Kagadi. Kiraba contain a number of tourism attraction like beautiful caves, different bird species, reptiles and insects. The site has been Kagadis most visited destination receiving over one thousand (1000) tourists per year for activities like Hiking, photography, scenic viewing, birding, nature walks and camping

beautful kiraba rocks
- Karuna waterfalls, The area is well known for beautiful escarpments, but the most attractive site are the waterfalls. This is located in rugashari sub-county forty five (45) kilometers off Kagadi town, its Kagadis second strongest waterfall with an estimated length of about 150 meters of water pours from the clef. The site has got beautiful features that attract people eyes which include the waterfalls, different bird spices, tree spices, escapements, local communities, Nguse River. The site receives over eighty (80) tourists per year who carry out activities like hiking, nature walks, photographer and videography.

This is aprivate owned forest that covers approximately (12) twelve aches and located in Karuswiga ward Muhorro town council 15 Kilometers off Kagadi – Kyenjojo road in Muhorro town. The forest habitants one of the most attractive apes called the chimpanzees which stay within the community. The forest also has a number of different birds, tree species and butterflies. The site receives over one hundred (100) visitors per year who participate in activities like chimpanzee trekking, birding, nature walks and community experience.

The lake (Albert) is also known as MWITANZIGE and formerly LAKE MOBUTU SESE SEKO, located in WESTERN UGANDA and THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. It is one of the African great lakes. Africa’s seventh- largest lake and world’s twenty-seventy largest lake by volume, located ninety five (95) kilometers from Kagadi town
Lake Albert was previously known as Mwitanzige by the Banyoro and Batoro, as well as other peoples who have been populated the region for centuries before colonial age. In 1864, the explorers Samuel Baker and Sass Flora found the lake and renamed it after the recently deceased Prince Albert who was Queen Victoria’s consort and had died three years ago. In the 20th century but later the Zairian (DRC) president MOBUTU SESE SEKO KUKU NGBENDU WA ZA BANGA who ruled from 24th November 1965- 16th may 1997 temporarily named the lake after himself
European colonialist operated shipping on Lake Albert. The British planned shipping on Lake Albert as part of network of railway, river steamer and Lake Steamer services linking British interests in Egypt, east Africa and South Africa.
The lake borders a bigger part of Kagadi district and it habitats a big number of wildlife species namely Nile crocodiles, Nile monitors, African soft shell turtles, central Africa mud turtles, Williams mud turtles, various semi-aquatic snakes and frogs, water birds like the pelicans, herons and rare shoebills.
There are 55 fish species in the lake which include Nile perch the largest predators, Nile tilapia, Albert late, electric catfish, and giraffe catfish and 30% of the finish production is from Lake Albert.
The lake gets over five hundred (500) visitors per year and participate in activities like wildlife viewing, Birding, Boat riding, Nature walks, Canoeing, Local tours, Water sport, Scenic viewing and Hiking in the highlands, sport fishing.

Nguse River is located in Pachwa sub-county on Kagadi-kikuube road, 35km from Kagadi town.
The river originates from the hills of western part of Kakumiro town. It flows in the north-westerly direction to enter swamps near the village of Kitoma, in Kibaale district. The river emerges from this Swamp sand flows westwards to empty into Lake Albert at the border with the democratic of the Congo, The length of the river are approximately 160 kilometers. The beauty of this river is that it acts a boundary between Kagadi and kikuube district and it’s believed to be a mother of beautiful waterfalls of Jumaga waterfalls, Karuna waterfalls and Albert waterfalls.
The river is a source of attraction to the world due to the existence of different tourism attractions like waterfalls, rocks, birds, trees and the beautiful community living along it and this pulls numbers of tourists who travel to carry out activities like Birding, Boat riding, butterfly watching Nature walks, Canoeing, Local tours, Water sport, Scenic viewing and Hiking in the highlands near the river and swimming.

This is Kigali’s strongest waterfalls that pour into Lake Albert from river Nguse which act as a boundary between Kagadi district and kikuube district. The falls are located approximately two kilometers off Kitebele landing site and this is accessed by boat, the water poured to the lake from the falls closes over to Congo making the river so interesting. Attractions at the site include the falls, bird spices, escarpments and these attract tourists in big numbers of about two hundred (200) tourists per year for activities like nature walks, birding, community experience, hiking, photography and videography.

These are located in Ndiaga Sub County, towards Lake Albert and they create a beautiful view of the lake. The escarpments create a beautiful view from the top of the hills and these attract mostly adventures tourists since they love taking risks. There a various attractions attached to it which includes the green environment with different tree species, different bird species, different sharp rocks/ corners, different reptiles, different primates like monkeys and baboons, seasonal rivers, local communities and a view of the lake. The approximately attract over five hundred (500) tourists per year who hike up to the lake for tourism activities like Hiking the steep slope of Kitebele, Primate walks like the monkeys, baboons, black and white calabash monkeys, Nature walks ,Birding watching, photography and research by school children

Kitebele community is a large group of people who are over 2000 people, they are believed to have originated from different parts of the country like Masindi, kikuube and also outside Uganda like DRC to settle at the landing site of Kitebele. People here basically traveled for activities like fishing due to existence of different fish spices like Nile perch the largest predators, Nile tilapia, Albert late, electric catfish, and giraffe catfish and some other business. The community’s mostly spoken language is Swahili.
The Kitebele people are a center of attraction to many people around the world due to their life style and many people are interested in seeing how people at the lake live, eat, do fishing activities. And approximately five hundred (500) tourists visit the community per year. Tourists engage in activities like fishing, making fishing nets, enjoying local foods , boat experience, cultural dances and community night walks he Kitebele We consider the community a center of tourism since people travel to explore other cultures outside their communities.

This is located in Kyaterekera Sub County at the extreme end of Kagadi district, it’s about 29km (45-50 min drive), and the beautiful escarpment gives a beautiful view of Toro Semuliki game reserve and Semuliki national park which also boarder’s ndiaga sub county. The escarpment is one of the famous rift valleys. With attractions like the Great Rift Valley, different Birds spices, steep slopes and different tree spices. Approximately the site attracts about six hundred (600) tourists per year for activities like Hiking, photography, scenic viewing, birding and nature walks

This was formally known as Ruzaire forest reserve but later renamed Rwengye forest meaning a place of black and white colobus monkeys, located in pachwa and Kiryanga sub county covering around 2,102.1 aches its 2km off Mabale town and approximately 30 kilometers off from Kagadi town. The site is also a center of attraction to tourists due to existence of tourism features like chimpanzees, birds, butterflies, monkeys and different tree types.

Tourists during birding activities in the forest
This was established in 1931 and it was separated from Bujuniparish. The parish is known as one of the oldest parish in Bunyoro region with over 90 years. The site is located 35 kilometers from Kagadi town on Hoima -Kikuube road
Mugalike name originated from the landscape setting “Mugalikemeaning a flatland” The site is a catholic place and the most celebrated days are “our lady of presentation on 2nd February”, our lady of assumption siyoni”
NB: Mugalike parish had the oldest church that was built in 1949-1952 but it was demolished in construction of a new church.
“GOLOTO” built by father LODUKA 1934, this was built to be used as a worship place to chase away demons.
Celebration monuments These show various information of the parish from its date of establishment

To visit these beautiful tourism site contact banura robert ( the district tourism officer kagadi district ) on 0781563964 / 0700369700
Kagadi district tourism officer / officer has also been in position to identify and profile tourism accomodation facilities that provide quality services and these include ;
Seyeya courts 1
located kagadi district
Kagadi – hoima road

Seyeya courts 2
kagadi district , kagadi – hoima road

Located in kagadi district
Kagadi – fort portal road after the roundabout

Uphill hotel
located kagadi district
Kagadi – Hoima road
Opposite kagadi general hospital

Rovia motel
Located kagadi district
Kagadi – Kampala road

Vegas hotel
located kagadi district
Nakulabye – Rutete road

Demu hotel
Located in kagadi district
Approximately 30 meters away from Kagadi – kampala road

Achilles motel
Located on Kampala – kagadi road

FM hotel
Kagadi district
Kagadi – hoima road

Front view of FM hotel

The tourism office has also been in position to organize domestic tourism events / tours within and outside kagadi district as one way of promoting tourism and these inculde
Visit lake albert
This took place on 23rd / Dec / 2019

Visit karuna waterfalls tour
This took place on 1st / may / 2021

Tripe to kiraba rocks

The district tourism office has also organized tours outside the district as one way of inspiring kagadi residents to invest in kagadi tourism and sites visited include
Sempaya hot springs ( Semuliki national park)
These are located at the edge of the great ituri forest which borders Uganda and Congo in the remote western side of the rwenzori mountain rangers in bundibugyo district

Another tour was to Amabere ga nyinamwiru