Today the Kagadi district chairperson Hon Ndibwami B Yosia has donated iron sheets to the people of Kiryanga sub county who were hit by heavy hailstorm and wind late 2022.
The beneficiaries of the relief were kikonda itambiro, kikonda COU, Nyaisamba catholic church and Nyamiringa men’s SACCO whose places of warship and offices were heavily destroyed respectively each receiving a relief of 20 iron sheets.
The relief of iron sheets was received amidst full excitement and jubilations by both the believers and group member.
In delivering the relief, Ndibwami was accompanied by Hon Nsungwa Leticia the Kiryanga sub county district councilor and Hon Robert Kwizera the chairman LC3 Kiryanga sub county who commended the chairman LC5 for always being pro people and service centered.
Upon receiving the relief, representatives of the beneficiaries were much humbled and appreciative for the timely support to the people in need.

Before the relief a disaster assessment was made by the district disaster management that found need for support after establishing efforts of the locals in reconstructing the destroyed structures which prompted the district chairperson to give iron sheets to support the roofing of the new structures.
In his remarks, the district chairperson Hon Ndibwami B Yosia informed beneficiaries the he is committed to providing services and support to all people of Kagadi district as a fulfilment of his manifesto.